Speed Up My Job Search

May 12 – Resume Structure


In this webinar we went over several common ATS compatibility issues, and a bunch that are NOT common. Paul even shared 2 new issues that he just discovered through his ATS Testing over the last two weeks!

We also went over resume structures. Paul explained how recruiters read resumes, and how to get them to spend more time on your resume. He shared advanced ideas on writing Core Competency bullet points, and how he structures his resume summaries.

He also shared a powerful sermon from the book, ‘have a little faith,” by Mitch Albom (the same author who wrote “Tuesdays with Morrie.”

Over the last several meetings we talked about how our faith can give us the strength to learn from the storms of our lives, and that sometimes, the storm we face isn’t meant for us at all. Sometimes we are given storms so those who follow us can see how we can persevere through the storm. In this webinar, through that quick sermon, we learn how to have peace in the midst of the storm.

In closing he shared one of his favorite quotes of all time: “When you are born, you cry while the world rejoices. Live your life in such a way that when you die, the worlds cries, while you rejoice.” The way to get there, is by preparing for before the storms. Rather than learning the skills you need during the storm, you can use the foundation of skills you already established to build the adaptable skills you need to stand out.

That’s what this webinar series is about. Laying that foundation and persevering through this storm. I hope you can join us for our next meeting.

More material will be added May 13th after it has been created. In the meantime, here is a copy of the "Sermon by the Reb - 1975" from the book, "have a little faith," by Mitch Albom. Enjoy!
